FSA's curated weekly news digest. Catch up on the latest in home flight simulation from the past week.

Hello! It's Saturday, March 11. We're covering changes to the MSFS Marketplace, ActiveSky news, and even a P3D airplane release (whaaatt??). Plus, we're live at 21z announcing our first round of #FSExpo23 exhibitors! First time reading? Subscribe here.

Feedback? Email us at info@flightsimassociation.com.


FlightFX surprises the FS community by showing off the sleek Italian twin-pusher turboprop.

FSElite, 10 March 2023


The company has been listening closely to feedback from both players and developers who recently voiced their concerns..

MSFS Addons, 10 March 2023

Related: New add-on to prepare for WASM support on Xbox

At 2100z (3pm CT), we're announcing the first round of confirmed FlightSimExpo sponsors and exhibitors! Join us live on YouTube.

The An-225 gets a new home with this GazSim release.


One of the absolute best add-ons for Microsoft Flight Simulator now covers the whole world. Oh, and it's free!

MSFS Addons, 6 March 2023


The package also features an overhauled electrical system, with every circuit breaker, meter, switch, and knob functioning.

MSFS Addons, 9 March 2023

Related: Black Square updates Analog Caravan and King Air


HiFi Simulation's Active Sky [X-Plane] [MSFS]

We are pleased to announce Active Sky XP 12, our new weather engine solution for X-Plane v12!

HiFi Simulation Technologies, 8 March 2023

Related: Active Sky development team faces uphill battle to bring weather engine to MSFS


FSA Member Poll

Instead of our usual member poll, we wanted to share a three-part series Sporty's has been writing about Using Simulators for IFR Training. Check it out here: 


Join Us for Our Next Webinar

Panel: Hardware Integration

with Air Manager, X-KeyPad, MobiFlight, and Stay Level Avionix


Date: Today!
Time: 1800 UTC
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